Comments Will be Moderated, beginning immediately.
Philosophy Talk

31 October 2010

Like every blog,  we wage a constant war against spammers.   But spammers always seem to be ahead of the game.   They are able to leave hundreds of comments at once, even with the safeguards that Typepad has built into its software.  The only sure way to block the spammers  is to moderate comments --- something we haven't really wanted to do.   But it looks like its time to finally give moderation a try.   So starting now,  we will moderate comments.   That means that if you post a comment, it may take awhile to appear.  Indeed, if it's off point, or inane,  or otherwise inappropriate, it will never appear. 

Many bloggers tell us that moderated comments promote much more useful discussion.  So let's see.

Comments (3)

Guest's picture


Sunday, October 31, 2010 -- 5:00 PM

Good decision. I hope it will lead to better conve

Good decision. I hope it will lead to better conversations---on point and focused. You know, I am sure it will. Thanks for following the advice.

Guest's picture


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 -- 5:00 PM

With little or no risk of penalty, I think a lot m

With little or no risk of penalty, I think a lot more people give in to the impulse of deliberately deceiving others and damaging the web as spammers, hackers, virus makers. Perhaps it could be a PhilosophyTalk episode: "Morality and the Internet."

Guest's picture


Monday, November 15, 2010 -- 4:00 PM

This is an excellent post and rises a lot of discu

This is an excellent post and rises a lot of discussions, I am trying to run a blog of my own, and I have to be honest with you I spend "HOURS" every single day trying to filter out the spam and keep the legitimate comments as they do add excellent content to my blog and some of my comments have even gone on to answer questions that were asked by "HONEST" readers. There must be something that can be done to make our lives easier when it comes to spammers, any ideas anyone?