Food and Philosophy: Live at the Marsh
Philosophy Talk

24 March 2010

Satisfy your hunger for food and philosophy on April 25th at the new Marsh Theater location in Berkeley. Join Philosophy Talk for two live recording sessions and a lunch break in between where you can break bread with Philosophy Talk co-hosts John Perry and Ken Taylor.

11:00am Show: Democracy and the Press

Our founding fathers believed that a free press would serve democracy by promoting unfettered political debate and by exposing the actions of the government to the harsh scrutiny of an informed and engaged populace.  In today’s media landscape, however, large conglomerates have become part of the entrenched power structure and are driven as much by the profit motive as by a sense of public mission.  And even the most well-intentioned journalists sometimes find it wiser to suck up to power than to challenge it.  Even the untamed cacophony of competing voices unleashed by the internet provides as much dis-information as information. In such a media landscape, is it still possible to believe that the press lives up to the lofty ideals of our founding fathers?  If not, how might we reform the media so that it once again serves to promote and sustain democracy?  Join John and Ken and their guest, former TV news anchor Leslie Griffith, as they discuss Democracy and the Press.

12-30 - 2:00  Break Bread  with John, Ken, and the whole Philosophy Talk Crew 

3:00pm Show: Social Reality

Few things affect our lives as much as fact that we are citizens of one country rather than another.  The government of, the economy of, and the rights recognized and opportunities provided by the country we live in shape our lives.  But how real are any of these facts and things?  Without human beliefs, and societies of humans, there would be no states, no facts of citizenship, no money, and few opportunities.  Are our lives built on ontological fluff?  Ken and John discuss the metaphysics of the social with famed Berkeley philosopher John Searle, author of The Construction of Social Reality.

One show $20.00
One show plus lunch. $30.00
Two shows (lunch included): $40.00  


Buy your tickets online at Brown Paper Tickets or by calling The Marsh's 24/7 toll-free ticket hotline at: 800-838-3006.  

This live event will be held at The Marsh Theater's Berkeley location, 2120 Allston Way.